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  4. Queue
  5. DisableAllQueue


Route: https://api.cytrix.io/DisableAllQueue

This function will temporarily disable the release of scans from the queue. When invoked, no scans will be processed or released from the queue until the endpoint is called again to re-enable the functionality.

Note : doing so, won’t delete the scan, you can enable it later on.

Roles Required: Only Admin can disable/enable the whole queue.

Request Syntax


“apiKey”: “string”


Request Parameters

Parameters being used in the Request

Parameter Name :


Parameter Usage and Options :

Your CYTRIX given API Key.

How do I get it ? :

Located in the “Profile” section.

Note : by default, the “API Status” is enabled, unless, the Admin has disabled it in the “Server Settings” section.

Type :


Is it Optional ? :


Successful Response


    “Error”: 0,

    “Function”: “DisableAllQueue”,

    “Data”: “Queue Disabled”


Errors and their Possible Causes

For more information, please refer to the General Errors section.