API Documentation

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  4. Vulnerabilities
  5. LastScansVuln


Route: https://api.cytrix.io/LastScansVuln

Using this feature will allow you to fetch all the vulnerabilities that CYTRIX has detected in the Last Scans that were performed on each Domain on your Server.

Roles Required: Admin and User. Private Users can only View Vulnerabilities from Scans they created.

Request Syntax

    "apiKey": "String"    "by":"String

Request Parameters

Parameters being used in the Request

Parameter Name :


Parameter Usage and Options :

Your CYTRIX given API Key.

How do I get it ? :

Located in the “Profile” section.

Note : by default, the “API Status” is enabled, unless, the Admin has disabled it in the “Server Settings” section.

Type :


Is it Optional ? :


Parameter Name :

Parameter Usage and Options :

In case you users wish to fetch Vulnerabilities from Scans on a lastly, scanned specific URL.

For example: https://example.com/users/thisuser.

By default, the ‘baseUrl’ value is being used so Vulnerabilities from the last scan on a related Host will be displayed.

For example: last Scan with the https://example.com Host (even https://example.com/users/thisuser if it’s last) will be displayed.

Value :

url – if you wish to use it and fetch Vulnerabilities from a lastly, scanned specific URL..

Type :


Is it Optional ? :


Successful Response

    "Error": 0,
    "Function": "LastScansVuln",
    "Data": [
            "token": "abcdefg",
            "url": "https://example.com",
            "base_url": "example.com",
            "description": "",
            "protocol": "https",
            "tls_version": "TLSv1.3",
            "ip": "",
            "server": "String",
            "os_type": "String",
            "technologies": "[{\"app\": \"Cloudflare\", \"ver\": null, \"found_at\":  \"headers\", \"found_with\": \"Server\", \"type\": \"CDN\", \"icon\": \"CloudFlare.svg\"}, {\""}]",
            "speed": 10,
            "scan_duration": "01:23:45",
            "response_time": 0.123456,
            "num_vulns": 55,
            "num_info": 5,
            "num_low": 10,
            "num_med": 10,
            "num_high": 30,
            "avg_threat": "High",
            "exclude": "[]",
            "ports": "[123,456]",
            "ports_num": 2,
            "links": null,
            "link_folders": null,
            "num_links": 1,
            "subdomains": "['String',]",
            "subdomains_num": 123,
            "in_progress": "False",
            "date": "2023-01-22 11:01:54",
            "user_id": "123456789",
            "status": "Completed",
            "scan headers": "{}",
            "scan cookies": "",
            "search_list": "1,2,3,4",
            "single_check": "False",
            "percent": 0,
            "list_paths": "",
            "new_headers": "",
            "shodan_info": "[]",
            "shodan_main": "[]",
            "project_id": 123456789,
            "whois": "Not Found",
            "emails_enum": "{}",
            "responsive": "True",
            "is_spa": "True",
            "started": "False",
            "login_method": "",
            "waiting_forlogin": "true",
            "integrity_token": "",
            "enumeration": "False",
            "profile_login_id": 0,
            "level_deep": 3,
            "auto_speed": "True",
            "proxy_id": 0,
            "pfx_file": "",
            "har": "",
            "api_target": "",
            "file_crawler": "",
            "fixed_ip": "False",
            "login_localStorage": "",
            "login_sessionStorage": "",
            "login_localCookies": "",
            "server_ip": "",
            "api_schema": "",
            "dialog": "False",
            "login_headers": "",
            "mobile": "False",
            "SPA": "False",
            "link_checked": "0/0",
            "structure_links": "{\"1\": \"String "wp-content\": {\"plugins\": {\: {\"images\": {\"123\": \"image.png"}}}}}",
            "detect_SPA": "True",
            "ns_record": "{\"A\": [\"123456789"], \"HTTPS\": [\"String" ipv4hint=\\\"\\\" ipv6hint=\\\"1a2b3c"\"]}",
            "geo_ip": "{\"ip\": \"123456\", \"country\": null, \"continent\": \"EU\", \"timezone\": \"Europe/", \"location\": [12345}",
            "external_links": "[\""]",
            "duration_limit": "0",
            "jira_id": 0,
            "modifier_email": "",
            "robots_txt": "",
            "sitemap_xml": "",
            "just_cves": "False",
            "vuln_id": "",
            "refresh_token": "False",
            "stored": "True",
            "use_payloads": "True",
            "Vulnerabilities": [
                    "vuln url": "https://example.com",
                    "action": "https://example.com",
                    "vuln_name": "String",
                    "severity": "High",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "fixed": "0",
                    "user_append": "False",
                    "key": "",
                    "payload": "",
                    "params": "",
                    "cookies": "None",
                    "headers": "{'String'}",
                    "status_code": "200",
                    "token": "String",
                    "version": ""

Errors and their Possible Causes

For more information, please refer to the General Errors section.