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General Errors

About General Errors and Responses

Some functions return responses that are different from other functions.
In this section, I will present you General Errors and Responses that may occur in every function and what are their main causes.

The Response

“Error”: 4,
“Function”: “GeneralError”,
“Data”: “Access Denied”

Possible Cause

Indicates that an unauthorized user (based on his “apiKey”), Can’t perform certain actions.

The Response


“Error”: 1,

“Function”: “NewTarget”,  

“Data”: “General Error”


Possible Cause

Indicates that a certain parameter was not inserted correctly, or, not inserted at all.

The Response

“Error”: 5,
“Function”: “DuplicityTarget”,
“Data”: “Target not exist”

Possible Cause

Indicates that a certain parameter was not inserted correctly, or, that the requested scan\project\etc., do not exist at all.

The Response

“Error”: 1,
“Function”: “ProjectTargets”,
“Data”: “Error invalid input”

Errors and their Possible Causes

For more information, please refer to the General Errors section.