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Roles Explained

In CYTRIX, There are 4 Types of Users, each defined by their given Role.

The Roles are: Administrator, User, Private User and Viewer.

Below, is a table indicating each Role and the things they can and cannot do :

Action >

Role v

Adding, Editing, Viewing and
Removing Users
Viewing Scans, Login Methods, Proxies, Integrations, Projects etc. of others. Deleting, Using, Adding and Editing Scans, Login Methods, Proxies, Integrations, Projects
etc. of others.
Editing Details
Administrator Can Add, Edit, View And Remove Users. Can View everything. Can Delete, Use, Add and Edit everything. Can Edit his own and the Server Settings.
User Can’t. Can View everything. Can Delete and Edit only the things he created.
Can Add everything except Integrations.
Can Use everything.
Can only Edit his own details.
Private User Can’t. Can only View what he Created. Can only Delete, Use, and Edit things he created.
Can Add everything except Integrations (can’t use them).
Can only Edit his own details.
Viewer Can’t. Can only View the Projects (and their scans) that were defined for him. Can’t do anything except Exporting Reports and Viewing Projects that were defined for him. Can’t edit any details.

Note: It is not possible to change the Role of a user that was created with a Viewer role and vice versa, it is not possible to change the Role of other users to Viewer.