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  5. Changing my Personal Details

Changing my Personal Details

To edit your own details and information, go over to the “Profile” section located on the main menu :

Now, you can edit all of your desired information, to apply, click on “Save Changes” :

Notes :

  • The first letters in “First Name” and “Last Name” will be capitalized by default.
  • If you wish to add a middle name, write it using a space between the first and middle name in the “First Name” field ( For example : “First middle”).
  • Make sure that all fields are being filled correctly and all of them have a “Green Squares“. Otherwise, changes will not be saved.

If you wish to change your Password, scroll down and fill in the fields according to the required criteria, to apply, click on “Save New Password” :

Note : only a user defined as an Administrator can change details regarding other users as well as their roles.

The New Password must contain all of the following :

  • At least 8 characters.
  • Uppercase (A-Z).
  • Lowercase (a-z).
  • A number (0-9).
  • Special Character(!@#…).