While conducting a New Scan\Scans, you have the ability to pick your desired Login Profile in order to use it in your upcoming Scan\Scans, it can be found in the “Settings” tab below :
To create a Login Method, follow these steps.
Firstly, go to the “Login Authentication” section on the Main menu :
In this screen, choose your desired Login Authentication method :
Login Credentials
method :
Fill up your credentials in these fields :
You can also add fields with your desired values.
To get the element’s Name and Id – right click on the element and then on “Inspect”.
Then, in the bar that will appear below, take, from the highlighted element :
name=”take this” id=”take this” . Don’t forget to insert the values on the right.
To get a Selector, right click on the desired element and then on “Inspect”.
Then, in the bar that will appear below, right click on the highlighted element and then
Copy –> Copy Selector (might appear as “CSS Selector” on certain browsers).
To get a Submit (which is mandatory, the specific “button” to be used in logging in) – right click on the desired element and then on “Inspect”.
Then, in the bar that will appear below, right click on the highlighted element and then
Copy –> Copy Selector (might appear as “CSS Selector” on certain browsers).
Note : you don’t necessarily have to enter a value for submit.
Headers Authentication
method :
Fill up your credentials and headers in these fields :
You can add new headers by clicking on “New Header”.
In a successful response, the new login will be added to the table below.
Self Login
method :
The “Self Login” option, allows you to perform the logging Manually, it’s useful in cases where the logging methods are much more complex than usual (such as Captcha and so on) :
For more information, refer to the Self Login page in the support.
login dialog
method :
In cases there’s a need of dialog authentication, fill in the fields :
And of course, the last step, do not forget to add the login profile you just created in the “Settings” tab (New Scan) before initiating a new scan :