You must have once wondered what HTTP means and what is the difference between that ugly word to HTTPS, and if not, then please read on or my boss will fire me.

Here, for your pleasure, we will discuss what HTTP is, and what sets it apart from HTTPS.

Appearing at the start of (almost) every URL in the address bar, HTTP\S is present,

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, this is a Communication protocol found in the Application layer in each of the models (TCP/IP or OSI model).

The HTTP’s main goal is to transfer HTML pages and objects they contain such as photos, sound files, videos and others, all across the Internet.

HTTP communication begins with a server-to-client call using the TCP protocol in the TCP / IP Transport layer, and continues with a series of requests and responses sent by the client and server, respectively.

Firstly, the client creates a connection to the IP address and port where the server is located (usually port 80), the request is then sent, which includes the address of the requested object (e.g., HTML page) and additional details about the request and the client. The server reads the request, decodes it, sends the client an answer accordingly and usually disconnects the connection to the client when the sending is completed.

There are some Methods of sending requests, being called HTTP Requests, each of them contain :

  • The Request Method (GET, POST, TRACE and so on).
  • Address of the requested object.
  • The version of the protocol according to which the request is composed.
  • Headers that relate to the request, the customer, or the content contained in the body of the request.
  • Body of the Request (does not exist in all methods).

So…if that’s the “Job” of an HTTP,

what is the difference between it and HTTPS?
And what does the S stands for?

Do not worry, no question is left unanswered.

HTTPS was developed by Netscape Communications Corp.

HTTPS does the same as HTTP, but with a small and significant twist, the “S” is short for Security or more precisely for Secure Sockets Layer, meaning it’s the same HTTP protocol, only secured via a security layer called SSL that prevents that “malicious third party” (stalkers and other hated people), trying to “Listen” to us and extract any information.

When using HTTPS the data exchange will be done through authentication and encrypted communication.

In other words, if you want any user with a minimal amount of logic to use your site, use HTTPS.

Key differences in HTTP vs. HTTPS :

  • The most basic difference is that the default HTTP port is 80 and for HTTPS it’s 443.
  • The most noticeable difference is the way they work in data transfer. HTTP does not provide security in client-server communication while HTTPS adds more security, allowing the client and server to communicate securely.
  • Sites that use SSL / HTTPS get better SEO rankings from Google compared to sites that are not SSL protected.
  • Secure transactions on the site that has encryption, including credit card data, passwords, etc.

I really hope you enjoyed, and if not, do not hesitate to use our tool that will know to detect as soon as you’re missing the desired “S”.

Remember, “S” is for success! (no it’s not).

Stay Safe, choose Cytrix.

Servers 101

Servers 101

Let’s have a “quick” Servers 101 Course. Courtesy of Cytrix! If you’ve been on the internet for...

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