Enterprise Mobility – BYOD vs. CYOD

We know that “demarcation” of our Enterprise Mobility is very important in the field of Information Security especially when we talk about the devices being used to transfer DATA. Let’s talk about BYOD and CYOD.

First of all, let’s go through the attributes that differentiate these terms from one another:

  • Ownership – Who owns this device? Who pays for it?
  • Support – What permissions does the device have? Who is responsible for its repair and ongoing support?
  • Importance – How important is device redundancy? Does it have to be always available?

All of these are questions that we need to ask ourselves so that we may define which way we will choose.

BYOD – Bring you Own Device :

A term that describes the new tendency among employees, students or students to bring to the organization computer devices they own, such as smart phones and laptops, and use them for work or study purposes.


Belongs to the worker, his/hers own personal item, bought with their money.


The privileges are based on his rank and role in the company. Personal devices will not be given too many senior access privileges due to the fact they are someone’s personal property and can’t be monitored properly. Support for these devices will not be provided by the company.


Depends on the person’s role. If you’re important enough, the company will buy you one.


  • In cases where the company would like to reduce costs and save some money.
  • It could be that the employee is an external contractor which means he works is several organizations. So usually, we don’t want to give him to many privileges.


  • The organization’s data can never be fully controlled.
  • May be misused for espionage purposes, or even to disrupt existing activities in the organization by inserting malwares.
  • There is also a concern that with the complexity of BYOD, the costs of operation, support and service of the IT department in the organization will increase.
  • There is also a concern with a legal aspect. We would like to make sure that the device is secure and monitor it, but the device contains the employee’s personal information.

CYOD – Choose Your Own Device :

Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) is a business trend designed to give an organizations more control over the devices employees use to handle company data. With CYOD, an organization allows employees to choose from defined devices for business use.


(usually) Belongs to the company entirely. Sometimes, it’s bought through the employee’s deductible and then he is given the option to keep this device. Often, the company pays the full price for the device, which gives it full control over it and all the needs it will provide.


All tech support, and privileges will be defined by the company.


If the company has bought you one, they will make sure that the device is utilized to the maximum.


  • Saves the fear of “invasion” into the private lives of the employees. This is a work computer, use it for that purpose only.


  • Could be a bit costly.
  • Choices are limited (a con for the employees).

Stay safe, choose Cytrix.

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